
Product Overview

Installation & Use

Support & Troubleshooting




updated: 3/15/99




Support & Troubleshooting

Technical Support

This section includes details of the type of technical support provided with ASIP:

[General, Basic, Advanced]

ASIP Scope of Support

In the U.S. and Canada, the AppleShare IP 6.0 customer will receive 90 days, 5 x 12 complimentary "up and running" technical telephone support, which includes:

  • Answering pre-sales questions about ASIP 6.0

  • Providing assistance with installation problems.

  • Providing assistance with feature use, as described in the manuals and help files.

  • Assistance troubleshooting Mac OS or Apple hardware issues, which may be a factor in ASIP's performance.

The following questions and issues would not be included as part of Apple Up and Running Support. Third-party software or hardware vendors, ISP's, or networking consultants may be consulted in connection with:

  • Assistance with network design.

  • Consultations on optimizing server performance for customer's specific needs or environment.

  • Assistance obtaining Internet access.

  • Assistance troubleshooting DNS issues, unless MacDNS is being used as the primary server.

  • Assistance with third-party client software used to access ASIP services.

  • Assistance integrating or troubleshooting third party products on the ASIP server or network.

U.S. Phone center hours of operation are: 6:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., Pacific Time, Monday through Friday.

The AppleShare IP 6.0 customer will receive a Service and Support Guide that details how to dial into the Telephone Tech Support center. For assistance in the U.S., customers will call 1-800-500-7078.

If AppleShare IP 6.0 is bundled with a server configuration, the server’s support offering applies to this software. Server customers will call 800-500-7078 number for support.


Customers who find that in-box items, such as CDs or manuals, are missing, damaged, or become lost, may get these items replaced by calling the Technical Support or Customer Care lines. A nominal fee may apply, depending on the circumstances.